}); OFFICIAL Sky Sports: 35million Deal Agreed, Chelsea Fans Are Happy! - 85mins

OFFICIAL Sky Sports: 35million Deal Agreed, Chelsea Fans Are Happy!

The Blues Chelsea FC fans have received a huge transfer boost as Sky Sports they confirmed a new striker deal, which got Chelsea’s transfer hopes high.

The latest reports confirm that the Polish international striker, Krzysztof Piatek, will be completing his transfer deal to the Italian Serie A side, AC Milan, from his current Italian side, Genoa, where he will be the replacement for Gonzalo Higuain.

Krzysztof Piatek’s deal was expected to go through after their last encounter in the Serie A yesterday, Monday.

This transfer deal means that Gonzalo Higuain could leave AC Milan to rejoin his former manager, Mauricio Sarri, at the Stamford Bridge.

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Gonzalo Higuain’s deal is expected to go through in the coming few hours or days, as all the barriers are removed right now and the green light to his arrival to Chelsea is given by AC Milan, Chelsea FC, and Juventus FC.

The deal will be a loan deal until the end of the season, with an option to extend the loan for another season and purchase the player, according to reports.

OFFICIAL Sky Sports: 35million Deal Agreed, Chelsea Fans Are Happy! OFFICIAL Sky Sports: 35million Deal Agreed, Chelsea Fans Are Happy! Reviewed by ONYONG PRECIOUS on January 24, 2019 Rating: 5

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